Hey everyone! Welcome back to another blog post! This week I'm going to be sharing who I think, would be awesome to play some of my characters in a potential (and hopeful) TCC movie! This is all hypothetical of course. If a TCC movie were ever in the works you'd hear me screaming from the hills. Let me know what you think of my casting skills in the comments below! Or share someone you think would be fitting to play one of my characters! # 1. Chloe Moretz as Alyssa Brooks There is something striking about Chloe that I always thought resembled Alyssa. Chloe is close to Alyssa's age, and shares numerous physical features. All Chloe would have to do is put on green contacts and she'd be Alyssa Brooks! # 2 Neels Visser as Haven Reeves Neels is exactly what I picture Haven to look like. I think the biggest factors is his blond hair and striking blue eyes. But yep. He pretty much looks like he jumped out of my book. Sooo if Neels ever wants to give acting a try... I think he'd play the role well. Also can we just appreciate that middle picture??? Aquarian most likely. # 3 Maggie Lindemann as Amber Travie Maggie looks how I always imagined Amber to look. Like perfectly dressed, well kept, and overall, just striking. So can Maggie please get into the acting business? I think we need her. # 4. Jay Steevie as Zack Travie Because every movie needs a hot older brother. No but seriously, this is what I imagine Zack to look like, but with green eyes. Wouldn't these four absolutely slay together? Imagine all four of them in that battle scene? Hell yeah. # 5 Marc Warren as Kurt Bell God isn't he just so perfectly creepy for Kurt Bell? I can literally see this guy running through the streets of Tokyo. I think he's the right age to play Kurt too. # 5. Betty White as Elda Because every movie needs a cute old lady. Plus Betty White is one of the oldest actresses in Hollywood. I think she would own the role of Elda.
Thats all for now guys! I would love to hear some of your opinions and suggestions so leave them in the comments below! And fingers crossed TCC becomes a movie one day! PSA: I have officially started a Youtube channel! I will be posting content as often as I can! My channel will feature topics regarding writing, publishing, reading, lifestyle, travelling and beauty! I have one crazy life friends! Time to share it with all of you! <3 You can subscribe to my YT channel here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3DzmgQncGg xoxo, Alessia
Hey everyone! I am so honoured to tell you all I am featured on CBC's Our Toronto! If you are interested in watching my segment please click the Youtube link above!
It will also be airing again on CBC television on Sunday February 19th and Monday February 20th at 11 AM! CBC also wrote an amazing newspaper article on me! Feel free to read it by following the link below: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/young-adult-author-lectures-students-about-following-passions-1.3974365?utm_content=buffer20f95&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer As always I am so incredibly humbled and blown away by all the support I recieve everywhere I go. This is why I do it friends. To spread a message that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. So here's to changing the world one student at a time! Cheers! xoxo Alessia Dickson Hey everyone! Welcome back to another blog post! Today I will be answering some more frequently asked questions! Whenever I give my motivational speeches TONS of people have questions and I can never seem to get through them all! So here are a few in case you were wondering!
Q. Will TCC become a movie? A. I would love, seriously love if TCC became a movie. I've been told by countless people that it would make a great Hollywood Blockbuster. So if that opportunity comes my way you will hear me shouting from the hills about it. (So check any of my social media basically). Q. If TCC does become a movie who would you get to play the characters? A. See, this is such a fun question. I'm not a big movie buff, I much prefer books so I am not too well versed in the world of actors and actresses but I think Chloe Moretz would be perfect to play Alyssa Brooks. I've just always imagined Alyssa to look similair to Chloe. Q. Is the staff on your front cover the weapon the crystals create? A. No, the staff on the front cover is not, and I will repeat, is not, the weapon the crystals create. The staff on the front cover is the Society's trademark symbol, the Staff of Asclepius. I can definitely see why so many people ask this! But if you are wondering, of if you are nearing the end of the book, the weapon the crystals create is called the Orb. Q. What inspired you to become a writer? A. Well, in all honesty, nothing really inspired me to become a writer. Since the day I could hold a pencil and string together literate sentences, I had wanted to be an author. My aspiration never changed, so I just well, went out and did it. That's pretty much the truth. Sometimes I feel like I was destined to be an author. (or maybe thats me being all self righteous). Q. Do you have any other interests other than writing? A. Of course! Gosh I'm not that boring! I like doing things other seventeen year olds like doing, like binge watching Netflix and Youtube. I also work as a lifeguard and swimming instructor. Q. Can you dab? A. No. I mean yes technically I could but I don't want too. Somehow someone asks me this at least once a presentation! (lol). Q. Are your characters based off of your friends? A. Oh my god no! That would be so awkward. I would hate for someone I know in real life to pick up my books only to find out that they're "in" it. I try to make my characters as fictional as possible. Plus, my friends could never be as cool as Alyssa, Zack, Haven or Amber. (Sorry guys.) Q. If you could be one Elemental which one would you be? A. I took my own What Kind of Elemental are you Quiz and discovered I'm an Aquarian. Q. Do you get stopped by people in your own school because of your book series and writing career? A. Luckily, no. I don't think I would want that because I would probably die of embarrassment. When I'm at school I'm just a regular kid trying to finish my classes. Q. Did you ever have a back up plan that wasn't writing? A. Yes I did have a back up plan and I still have one now! It's okay to have a back up plan, in fact it's better if you do! You never know where life might take you! Q. Who's your favourite author? A That's so difficult. Probably Cassandra Clare. Q. Do you watch anime and get ideas from anime? A. Yes I've watched various animes in the past. By the time I got into it my book was already on the path to being published. Now quite frankly, I'm to busy to watch any of it! Q. What's your official job? A. As of right now I am a full time author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, lifeguard, swimming instructor, and a stressed out grade 12 high school student.I guess you could say I'm pretty busy. Q. How did you deal with being different and any negativity/doubt from people? A. All my life I've known I was different. I liked things no one liked and had dreams that most people laughed at. When I was in primary school in grades one and two people started to notice I was unusually good at writing and that often set me apart from other kids. I learned to let negativity role off my back. I can't control what people think about me, whether it's good or bad. The only thing I can control is the way I feel about myself. Right now, I'm pretty happy with who I am, what I've accomplished, and what direction my life is headed. And that's all that matters to me. Define yourself. Don't let anyone else influence you into being someone or something your not. Q. Whose your favourite singer/group? A. This is another question I always get! It's so hard to choose one but my favourite solo artist is hands down Ed Sheeran and my favourite group/band is hands down the Lumineers. Q. Is Alessia Dickson your real name? A. Yes! I am not a fan of pen names. I like to claim what is mine and print my real name on books! Q. What is your cultural background? A. I always find the curiosity about my life from my audience very endearing. For the record my mothers family comes from Italy and my dads family comes from England. Together they created a very Italian/English name. Q. Have you visited all the places in TCC? A. No! But it's on my bucket list! I've only visited Pompeii in Italy. But damn, I'd be on the next flight to any of the other three places if I could! Q. Can you tell us something random about you? A. I get this from my junior grades a lot. It's so cute. I'm not all too interesting but I share a birthday with William Shakespeare and my birthday is also Word Book Day. What a weird coincidence right? Q. Can you drive? A. Yes! I just got my license a few months ago. Q. Whats the craziest thing a fan has done for you? A. One time, this really sweet little girl gave me a portrait of myself she drew and made me a book mark which had quotes that I am apparently famous for saying from my speech. It was pretty freaking awesome. Q. What's the weirdest thing a fan has asked you to do? A. I'm not gonna say weird exactly, but one time this kid made me sign his Air Jordan shoes. Another time this girl memorized a song to show me and sang it right on the spot. Again, I love kids. Q. Are there people who can control all four elements in your book? A. Yes. That's all I can say about it. Q. Can you buy your book in Chapters? A. Yes. You can buy it at any major bookstores but it will have to be ordered to the store! Q. Are you ever going to introduce a new element? A. Probably not. The four major elements will always stay the same but some of the smaller elements like ice, metal and electricity, fall under one of the four main ones. Q. I have an idea for your book. Can you use it in your future books? A. Hey, I'm open for ideas if you want to share any. I can't guarantee I'll use them but I'll hear you out. You never know, maybe you could use some ideas to make a novel of your own! Q. Are Alyssa and Kurt related? A. Oh God no. Ew. Ew. I think the blond hair is the thing that makes people think that. But no! Q. Why is Elda in a wheelchair? A. Elda was injured in an accident years ago. That's all I can say without major spoilers! That's it for now everyone! Again thank you to everyone who always takes the time to ask me these great questions. I love Q and A sessions so much! As always if you have a question you would like to ask me in private, or a question I didn't answer here, just head on over to my Contact Me page! xoxo Alessia |
About the AuthorAlessia Dickson is the author of The Crystal Chronicles series. She lives in Toronto, Ontario, where she is hard at work on her next book. Archives
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